
Analytics Solutions

Data Transformation in Machine Learning: Best Methods and Challenges

The fields of data processing and collection have gone through a major resurgence in the past 10 years. Analysts have access to more data than ever before. However, this means that the issue of poor data quality has never been more problematic. As per a survey conducted b

| 29 May 2024

How Do You Drive Business Success with AI Analytics

The use of AI in business analytics has allowed modern automation in the process of data discovery. The outcome is AI analytics that does the data analyst’s task without the same human constraints.  Recently, AI-driven analytics has developed fast, powered by advancements

| 05 Apr 2024

Why Sports Analytics is Essential for Victory Today

Earthweb’s major data creation statistics reports for 2022 state that the daily generation of data is limited to 2.5 quintillion bytes. With the development of huge amounts of data, crucial information can be accessed by many users and let them make informed decisions. 

| 14 Mar 2024

Driving Better Results — The Power of Analytics in Advertising

In today’s digital era, the success of a brand is defined by interactions with customers. It has become a major challenge for marketers. Despite its speedy growth, it is surrounded by lost profits, wasted budgets, and poor targeting and monitoring of the operators in th

| 21 Feb 2024

How to Use Data Analytics in the Consumer Goods Industry

In recent years, data analytics has seen exponential growth across multiple industries. The consumer goods and retail industries are among them. The implementation of data analytics in this industry is transforming the way product manufacturers operate, allowing them to

| 08 Feb 2024

How to Use QSR Intelligence to Drive Revenue Growth

Data analytics has been transforming different sectors for many years, and the QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) sector is one of them. There is an increase in demand for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) with the change in consumption patterns, hectic schedules of people, a

| 19 May 2023

Time Series Data: Analysis vs Forecasting

Time series analysis produces a series of information in a specific sequence, so it is not the same as other analyses. The added advantage of such analysis is that it takes responsibility for a smoother data-cleaning process in a business. Time series Analysis is an impo

| 14 Dec 2022

What’s The Level of Your Business’ Data Maturity?

With more and more businesses starting to rely on data, it's become imperative that the quality of data is high. One way to assess the quality of your data is through data maturity assessment.

| 14 Oct 2022

Data Processing: Steps, Types and More

Data Processing: Steps, Types and More In part 1 of this blog post, we discussed data preprocessing in machine learning and how to do it. That post will help you understand that preprocessing is part of the larger data processing technique; and is one of the first steps fr

| 10 Oct 2022