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EA's Customer Lifetime Value

Understand Your Customer’s Buying Profiles And Value Them With Laser-Precision Accuracy

What Exactly is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Model?

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a primary metric for understanding your customers. It’s a predictive calculation of the value your relationship with a customer can bring to your business. This approach allows organizations to demonstrate the future revenue they can generate from their marketing initiatives.

CDP Powered Customer Lifetime Value

EA’s CLV module, backed by its potent CDP capabilities, gives you the unique advantage which independent CLV solutions just can’t match

Precise CLV Customer Lifetime Value computation for brand new customers

Harness the power of EA’s deep neural networks to accurately predict the Lifetime Value of your brand new customers with nothing but their first-transaction data

Unforeseen Churn Prediction

EA’s CDP lets you predict the finite lifetime value of those customers who are about to churn in the near future and devise plans to prevent churn and maximize retention

Segment your customers based on their value

EA’s CDP makes it easy for you to activate your CLV data within the platform, allowing you to segment your customers by their lifetime value and send automated personalized campaigns to those different segments.