
AI in Marketing

7 Easy Ways to Use AI in Content Marketing Right Now

Creating relevant and engaging content by keeping marketing goals and the audience’s needs in mind is not an easy job.  Moreover, preparing a content strategy and sticking to a regular publishing schedule can be challenging for businesses with limited resources and time.

| 18 Jun 2024

Why AI Matters in Email Marketing Success: A Comprehensive Insight

Marketing is the major region of business operations where it is said that artificial intelligence is expected to bring crucial change. According to McKinsey, in addition to sales, it is another business department where it will have a major financial impact. As for email

| 17 May 2024

Growth of Customer Segmentation Analytics with GenAI and ML

The best way to turn your audiences into loyal and valued customers is approaching them at the valid time, at the valid place, with the valid and relevant message. Still many marketing-led businesses don’t have access to complete data to support this fundamental concept

| 09 May 2024

How to Transform Visual Marketing using Machine Learning

Marketers spend much time understanding how to use visual media to enjoy the benefits provided by visual marketing. They have to set up a suitable ML solution to solve their marketing problems.  AI and ML technologies can offer a regularly updated view of the present needs

| 23 Apr 2024

What is Named Entity Recognition (NER): Benefits, Use Cases

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a field of computer science and natural language processing that deals with the identification and classification of named entities in text. The aim is to automatically extract information from unstructured text such as people's names, of organizations, locations, and so on.

| 01 Jul 2022

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Experience

Customer service is one area where artificial intelligence (AI) can be utilized to the utmost. Businesses that value customer service should integrate AI into their strategies to make customer service better. Tools like these can be found online and can be used to facilitate customer interaction while the buyers browse websites, make purchases, and communicate with businesses via social media platforms.

| 07 Feb 2022

Machine Learning Solutions for Cold Start Problem in Recommender Systems

Study the past to know the future – Confucius. While building product recommenders, the cold start is one of the biggest challenges that developers face, in addition to others such as data scarcity, scalability, and diversity. Read this blog to know more about Machine L

| 30 Jul 2021

Using Machine Learning to Grow Customer Lifetime Value (1 of 2)

Using Machine Learning To Grow Customer Lifetime Value (1 of 2) In today’s customer-centric market, it’s very important to get to know a customer’s lifetime value (CLV). Customer Lifetime Value helps businesses concentrate their activities around their most “profita

| 10 Jun 2021

What is Machine Learning and Machine Learning Techniques: A Complete Guide

Analyzing data in order to find patterns and apply these findings to business goals is the most general definition of data analytics. In the past few years, the flow of data into enterprises has grown exponentially, making it difficult to analyze data using traditional statistical methods. Data analytics can now overcome this hurdle by incorporating machine learning, an aspect of artificial intelligence. By building efficient algorithms, machine learning automates the process of data analysis, revealing hidden patterns and insights.

| 09 Jun 2021